So for breakfast I put cereal in pitchers so people could easily pour their cereal. In the movie, Holly Golightly wears an eye mask that looks like that. They sold them @ fredflare.com but I couldn't play $10 for each person, so I made them.
If you want instructions and the template, go here. I also gave everyone a CD with all the following songs on it (its supposed to look like a record):
1. Moon River - Henry Mancini
2. Downtown - Petula Clark
3. Moon River - Randy Spendlove
4. Breakfast at Tiffany's - Henry Mancini
5. Bittersweet Faith - Bitter:Sweet
6. Loose Caboose - Henry Mancini
7. Dirty Laundry - Bitter:Sweet
8. Kaboom! - Ursula 1000
9. Moon River Cha Cha - Henry Mancini
10. Something for Cat - Henry Mancini
11. Fly Me to the Moon - Frank Sinatra
12. Come Fly with Me - Frank Sinatra
13. Mr. Yunioshi - Henry Mancini
14. Breakfast at Tiffany's - Deep Blue Something
15. She's Only 18 - Red Hot Chili Peppers
16. Barely Legal - The Strokes
17. Moon River - The Innocence Mission
18. Moon River - Audrey Hepburn and Henry Mancini
p.s. thats also the belated playlist of the week, however its longer because I'm 18!